A portable, saltwater-powered lantern equipped with a handy USB charger and powered by InnoGen’s proprietary fuel-cell technology. Whether mixing simple table salt and water, using a saline tablet, or using just seawater, the Hydrolumen can provide day-light frequency illumination for hours on end, as well as being able to charge smartphones.
Whether you’re camping, at an event, or otherwise enjoying the outdoors, you can leave the batteries at home with this one; all you need is salt + water. The Hydrolumen is also ideal for emergency situations, such as natural disasters or power outages, when you’re caught by surprise and might not have the batteries you need for portable lighting.
The Hydrolumen provides a clean and safe alternative to dangerous lighting methods, such as kerosene lamps, for developing regions. With a low operating cost, Hydrolumens can also ease the financial burden of energy needs for families living in poverty, eliminating the need to buy expensive traditional fuels for lighting purposes. Additionally, the Hydrolumen is extremely easy to use while requiring very little maintenance.